1.整套设备采用热镀锌工艺,耐腐蚀、寿命长;高密度饲养更加节省空间,投资少,经济效益好。 1.Hot-dip galvanizing process is adopted for the wholeset of equipment,which is corrosion-resistant and hao long service life. High density feeding saves more space,less investment and good econbmic benefit. 2.喂料、捡蛋和清粪均可以采用自动化设备,节约人工成本,操作简单,方便管理。 2.Feeding,egg picking and dung can all be automated,saving labor costs,simple operation and convenient management. 3.独特的笼型及食槽设计,可节约饲料、节约用水、减少蛋鸡应激反应、破蛋率低。 3.The unique cage and trough design can save feed,water,stress response and breakage rate. 4.采用输送带式清粪,采用优质PP材料,经久耐用。 4.Conveyor belt dung and high quality PP material are used.Durable. 尺寸 1200*625*480 840*625*480 长 1200mm 840mm 深 625mm 625mm 高 480mm 480mm 层距 660mm 660mm 单门笼内面积 3750cm2 5250cm2 单门养鸡数 8只 11-12只 单只鸡面积 468.75cm2 477cm2 单条门数 2门 1门 |